Friday, April 24, 2009




about this photo: Japanese drugs invistgater fount a lot of injector where drug dealer`s house. 
Then the dealer was caught.

Definitinon:unable to stop taking a harmful substance, especially a drug.

Example:He is addicted to drugs.


about this photo:She had a terrible hagn over because she did drink a lot of bear last night

Definition:a pain in your head and a feeling of sickness that you get the day after you have drunk too much alcohol.

Example: I will have a hangover tomorrow for sure.

Monday, April 6, 2009


about this photo:  The time keeper looks at the racers to chose one who can go to the champions much.

defitnion: determined or trying very hard to be more sccessful than other people or businesses

Example:Wall Street is a competitibe jungle


about this photo: He is stnding in a ragby cort in AR without cloth. This much is really important for AR people. The audience feels really bad. 

definitnion: the expression on your face when you move your eyebrows together because you are angry, unhappy or cofused

Example: I thougt my she was happy. but the girl frowned


about this photo: The sky is going to be a dark. It will change  it to soon.

definitnion: if several things of the same type vary, they are all different from each other

example: The culture vary according to the locality


about this photo: The guy is confused because he wants to meet girifriend. However, he has to hang out with his superior.

definitnion:the thing that you think is most important and that needs attention beforer anything else.

Example:  Before get to work, we should establish priorities.


about this photo : The dog is getting into room carefuly.  

definitnion:to go somewhere secretly and quietly in order to avoid being seen or heard

example: He sneaks a look at text book when we are taking final exam.


about this photo: Some people tell him like that you are lacking concentration.

Definition:to not have something that you need, or not have enough of it

Example:He is lacking aggressiveness when he get into trouble.


about this photo: This cable is more flexible than other`s. 

Definition: a person, plan etc that is flexible can change or be changed easily to suit any new situation

example:Nowadays,  a lot of Japanese people believe that flexiable and liberal education makes worth result


about this photo: There is a first class where is a privilege for high status people.

definition: a special advantage that is given only to one person or grup of people.

Example:  If you want to have an own shops, you have to pay privilege tax


about this photo: This sinal means thah you cannot allow smoke.

definitnion:to say that something must not be done, seen, used etc

example: The university banned smoking in all the cafeterias on campus


about this photo: This chinese charactor said that being on time.

definition: arrivin, happening, or being done at exactly the time thah has been arranged.

example: Punctuality is the soul of business


about this photo: There is nothing to eat. Earth has completely changed. They just fight for live.
even if they knew, it couldn`t make any difference.....

difinition: to find a satisfactory way of dealing with a problem or difficulty.

Example:He resolved on going back



about this photo: They are studying really hard. Because of hard entrance exam. 

definitnion: to try extremely hard to achieve something, even thoug it is very difficult

example: The teacher struggle against discrimination.


about this photo: This is prevalent Japanese food. Miso-soup, White rice , Baked Fish. It is what we usually eat. 

definition: common at a particular time, in a particular place, or among a particular group of  people

example: America is gun prevalent society.


about this photo: This is traditional Okinawa festival it shows that people respect their empire.
Okinawa is now part of Japanese islands. but it used to be one country at that time it was called Ryukyu 

definitinon: the quality of remaining faithful to your friends, principles, country etc.

Example:  The student showes loyality to professors.


about this photo: This graph showes us that how to speculate in stock.

Definition: an idea or set of ideas that is intended to explain something about life or the world, especially an idea thah has not yet been proved to be true.

Example:  I want to take a theroy of big business class next semecter.


about this photo:  The blue suits guy ask his superoir for advise.

definition:better, more, powerful. more effective etc than a similar person or thing, esecially one that you are competing against.

Example:  My friends superior technique brought him victory.


about this photo: They are dicussing about doctors obligation of confidentiality.

definiton: a moral or legal duty to do something.

Example:  The goverments has obligation defend own country


about this photo: The guy who is trying to cut the tree. This job is called wood cutter. It is the most dangelous job in US.

definition: not feeling at all confident about yourself,  your abilities, or your relationships with people

example: He becomes insecure in the absence of noise.


about this photo:  The guy donated 1milion dollars to kanagawa . which is located next to Tokyo, 1milion dollars.

Definition: to give money,help, ideas etc to something that a lot of other people also involved in.

exapmple: We contribute a poem to contest


about this photo: The two pictures on the top. It seems to be same. So, the artist mention that somebody still my idea.

definition: when someone uses anothre person`s words, ideas , or work and pretends they are their own

example:We should make plagiarism moer  difficult.


about this  photo: There are some famous Italian books. This is called literature.

definition: books, plays, poems etc that people thank are importand and good.

example:My first major was literature for childeren.


abouth this photo: he is smoking on the road. This is porhibited in Japan.  he realized what is he doing is wrong. However, he is still doing......

Definition: someone who is pompous think that they are importan and shows this by being very formal and using long words. used to show disapproval.

Example:  I don`t like the people who do pompous attitude in public place


about this photo: He is expalining everyone to how to try  an improvisation if people ask suddnely.

definition:to do something without any preparation, because you are forced to do this by unexpected events.

Example:There is much improvisation in the films.


about this photo: she is reading a book carefuly because the book tells her about what she should do from her from her blood type.

Definition:to read or look at something very carefully.

Example: I am poring over a book.


about this photo: The cat is tryind to hide befrore somebody notice him. 

definitiion: to move somewhere quietly and secretly ,especially, becase you are afraid or shamed.

example:We slunk around the corner .


about this photo: This is a traditional Japanese food `TAKOYAKI`. Usually, Takoyaki  looks like 
table tennis boal. But the cooker couldn`t make good.

definition:an event that is completely unsuccessful, in a way that is very embarrassing or disapoipinting.

Example: I have gotten fire from  my job because I had done business fiasco.  


about this photo: he is chosing a shoes but it takes so much time because he believes that shoese are part of his body. 

Definition:very careful and thorough.

example: The work had been done with painstaking attention to detail


about this photo: This is international soccer much 2006. Now, he is trying to get a goal. After that he got a goal. Unfrotunately, it did not consider as a one goal because he got faul. 

Definition:cruel and showing no kindness or forgiveness

Example:It brings some rilief from the merciless summer heat


about this photo:  Usually, this lake does not have the appiarence just like this but now this lake 
is reflected in sun light. So, we can see different appiarence.

definition: If a person or a thing is reflected in mirror, glass, or water you can see an imagine of the person or thing on the surface of ther mirro, glass, or water.

Example: I should refret a diverse rang of viwes to find a solution.


about this photo: The guy who is reporting to governor that they demand a chang to the status their city construction Industry.

Definition:to ask for something very firmly, especially because you think you have  a right to do this.

Example:We demand a change to status of school policy.


about this photo:  They are discussing  HIV problem in Japan. Actually, they don`t want to talk about it because they think it can`t be their problem.  

definiton: preconceived ideas, opinions etc are fromed befor you really have enugh knowledge or experience.

Example:  We should get rid of any preconceived before setting up new project.


about this photo: He does not feel that he is member of  a society, And then he shame on him self.

Definition:the feeling of not being part of society.

Example: Nowdays, Japanese education problem is that  alienation between students and teachers.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


about this photo: She usually seems to be good person, but she is not like that kind of person as well as we think.

definition:pretending to be pleased, sympathetic etc, especially by saying nice things, but not       really meaning what you say

example: He pays insincere compliments


about this photo: The couple has decided to divoce but the children is really confused because she cannot decide that.

Definition:to succeed in dealing with difficult problem or situation.

example:  How are you coping?


about this photo: There are only rea apple but it will be assimilated into green apples.

Definition: If people assimilate or are assimilated into a country or group. They became part of 
                   that group and are accpeted by the people in that group.
Example:   We have to assimilat a change

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


about this photo: She was embarrassed. she does feel uncomfortable. She was really sad...
Definition: feeling nervous and uncomfortable and worrying about what people think of you
example: I get embarrassed if I speak in front of all students


about this photo: she suggested that you shuld listen to somebody's opinoion , but he does not think so.

Definition: not having an open mind; "a closed mind unreceptive to new ideas" " kindless"

Example: One of my professer who unsympathetic to student oppinion

Friday, February 20, 2009


about this photo:There was fire sarted in Portugal. After all, The fire consumed huge areas of forest.

Definition: To use time and energy for doing something

Example: I consumed time to study English.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Long (verb)

about this picture: This woman is looking for something interested but still she could not find yet.

Definition: to want something very much, especially when it seems unlikely to happen soon
How to use it? :I longed to come here again.


defenition: an important victory or success after a difficult struggle:
This photo is about Japanese High shcool beseball tournament. They are the chanmpion of the
year 2008.